Northeast Industrial Technologies, Inc.
Northeast Industrial Technologies is a supplier of bearings,
power transmission, and linear motion products to OEM and MRO customers.
We also maintain a full service fabrication facility for your contract
welding and machining needs.


 Conveyor Belting |

Roller & Ball Bearings

Mounted Bearings

Sprockets & Chain

Belts and Sheaves




Linear Motion



Bucket Elevators |

Super Sack |
"Always Open" 24 hour Emergency Service
Call us toll free at 1 . 888 . 234 . 7624
If you have any questions or would like more
information, please ask by filling out this form.
Buffalo, NY
Ph 716 . 931 . 5700
Fax 716 . 931 . 5230
1 . 800 . 549 . 5014
e-mail: nitbflo@neind.com
Lima, NY
Ph 585 . 624 . 7850
Fax 585 . 624 . 8015
1 . 800 . 574 . 2191
e-mail: nitroch@neind.com
Syracuse, NY
Ph 315 . 437 . 8890
Fax 315 . 437 . 1019
1 . 800 . 574 . 2192
e-mail: nitcny@neind.com |
Denville, NJ
Ph 973 . 625 . 2270
Fax 973 . 625 . 2272
1. 888 . 234 . 2464
e-mail: nitnj@neind.com |
Charlotte, NC
Ph 1 . 800 . 574 . 2191
Fax 585 . 624 . 8015
1 . 800 . 574 . 2191
e-mail: mshaffer@northeast-usa.com
Reading, PA
Ph 610 . 488 . 7408
Fax 610 . 488 . 9006
e-mail: bscheffler@northeast-usa.com |
Southern Tier, NY
Ph 716 . 676 . 2163
Fax 585 . 624 . 8015
e-mail: dzandi@northeast-usa.com |
Waterloo, NY
Finger Lakes Conveyors
Ph 345 . 539 . 9246
Fax 315 . 539 . 0879
e-mail: mgelder@northeast-usa.com |
Our mailing address is:
Northeast Companies
P.O. Box 55
Le Roy, NY 14482 |
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