Northeast Conveyors, Inc.

Northeast Conveyors Inc. manufactures a full line
of conveyors and related equipment at our plant in
Lima, New York. We specialize in glass and plastic bottle conveyors
as well as pallet and palletizing equipment and control panels. We offer
custom fabrication service and can provide low quantity contract machining.
Northeast has a worldwide base of successfully installed equipment.
Northeast Conveyors, Inc. now offers on-site steel cable splicing.
Please contact us for a quote.
1 . 888 . 632 . 6683

Cable Conveyors

Tabletop Curves
Click the image above for
Technical Data |

Cullet Conveyors
Click the image above for
Technical Data

Mat-top Conveyors

Tabletop Chain Conveyors
 Chain Driven
Live Roller Conveyors |

Pop-Up Transfer Conveyors

Custom Conveyors

Bottle Elevator/Lowerator
Conveyors |

Drag Chain Conveyors |

Line Shaft Conveyors |

Bottle Spacers

Light Boxes

Control Panels |

Robots |

Contract Fabrication |

Accumulation and
Bi-Directional Tables |
"Always Open" 24 hour Emergency Service
Call us toll free at 1 . 888 . 234 . 7624
If you have any questions or would like more
information, please ask by filling out this form.
Lima, NY
Ph 585 . 624 . 7850
Fax 585 . 624 . 8015
1 . 888 . 632 . 6683
e-mail: conveyor@neind.com
Our mailing address is:
Northeast Companies
P.O. Box 55
Le Roy, NY 14482
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